Sunday 8 May 2016

My window gets new decorations as we head towards the EuroRef vote

My latest window display is up, as we head seamlessly from elections to the EuroRef.

Between tomorrow and Friday, a  post will go up every morning at about 11.00am at the latest to bang the drum for Brexit. By next Sunday I hope to have been able to put them together along with an introduction, that can become a freebie for the Kindle. It will not be digitally protected so feel free to copy the booklet as much as you want.

I will also create a PDF version if anybody fancies printing it up as a traditional pamphlet, and an ePub version will also emerge which will be available just as soon as I can find a hosting site for the file. Alternatively, you can drop me a line and I will send it to you as an e-mail attachment. 

All this is my humble contribution to the Good Old Cause. 

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